Further reading ... Google Glass in Education
A great community of folks on Google+ who are connecting with Glass Explorers and discussing real-world implementations of using this emerging technology in classrooms can be found here >> Google Glass in Education
Professors Envision Using Google Glass in the Classroom - The Chronicle of Higher Education
"She jumped at the chance, saying that Mozart would have done the same. “He would have been a rock star,” she said. “He would have loved this technology and would have used it and abused it and done amazing things with it.”
It is in that spirit that a handful of others in higher education have gotten an early version of the device as well, by tweeting to Google their plans to use Glass for improving class lectures or teaching multimedia journalism.
How Google Glass Is Changing Medical Education - Forbes.com
"Today’s medical students and others in training have the unique experience of having “grown up” with technology that includes the PC, gaming and the smart phone. The extension of this to clinical practice will not be a revolutionary jump (as is for an older generation) but will be a natural evolution of the technology that has become second nature."
Apps from inspired developers will drive Google Glass - The Des Moines Register via USAToday.com
"Some teachers and developers who have paid the current $1,500 price tag already have started showing off what might be possible. Others, such as the leaders of Iowa State University's virtual reality program, say they cannot wait to see what is possible when students build products for the wearable computer."
Google Glass and Education - The Learner's Way
"What is important to take away here is that Glass is, truly, a new paradigm for interacting with a computer. Everything from the display to the interface is new, and the immediacy of the system lends itself to a "Notification First" environment, which is a different world from which we currently operate."
Mindful Learning with Glass - Professor Ralph Hall, Virginia Tech
"My challenge this coming semester is how to effectively use Glass to augment my seminar on Technology, Globalization, and Sustainable Development. My initial idea is to record videos that will enable students to follow my thought process in creating the seminar as we go."
Further reading ... GoPro in Education
GoPro cameras and mobile learning - TPACK iPad Project in Schools (TIPS) on edublogs
"The GoPro captured the experience of the surfing simulation. The video could be uploaded to an iPad for on the spot editing in iMovie and shared on Vimeo. This raises the possibility of capturing high quality video of simulation and authentic experiences an exciting combination of science, technology and visual arts."
GO PRO! First impressions from recording in the classroom (PDF) - PeerSpectives, Issue 6